Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time for a short entry here: 14/4/2009


Today is the first day of the malayalam Month Medam and also the first day of the astronomical new year for us malayalis.

(Krishna's deity)

This year's vishu will be treasured in my memories for longer than all other such festivals of the state.

I am leaving the country and joining my husband and his family and this is one last round of celebrations here at home.

Thoough none of our cousins were coming over this year, mom and dad wanted to make this year's vishu celebrations 

just as grand as usual.

We spend yesterday evening arranging for "Vishukani". 
This is the part of vishu when all of us sat down in the pooja room and decorated it in yellow, red and gold.

As usual, it was my job to dress up the Krishna vigraham.
Kani konna was arranged in an old uruli with fruits and rice, coconut and money and gold - all symbols of richness and prosperity.

(Vishu kani arrangements - the night before vishu)

Lamps were lit and arun and I recited vishnu sahasranaamam and grandma recited a part of the ramayana.

(Grandma reading ramayana)

We then went to the most fun part of the evening. Crackers!! Lots and Lots!!

(Mom, Me and Arun with crackers)

(Crackers at home)

After making more than our share of noise, we went to bed so as to wake up early for the start of the new year.

Dad woke me up at 3:30 with his palm over my eyes, he brought me before the kani... It was beautiful...

Grandma gave us vishu kaineetam and then we all went back to sleep.

I spend the whole morning calling up people and wishing them new year. Mom and grandma made payasam and a good lunch.

It was a simple vishu with just 5 of us but it was very precious....
Will miss it a lot!!!